About Me


I became interested in presentation design during residency. Two of our amazing faculty, Dr. Trevonne Thompson and Dr. James Rhee, were both well-versed in presentation design principles and enrolled me in a “mini-fellowship” for presentation design. Since then, I have been teaching classes and workshops on presentation design and the educational principles behind amazing, memorable presentations.

1 thought on “About Me

  1. Dear Dr. Pillow,

    I was so excited to see the content you have loaded onto this site. I am a presentation designer, specializing in the medical and dental field, and your message is music to my ears! I have been preaching this throughout my career in the medical education field. One of my principal goals for my company is to help medical speakers truly transmit the expertise they have in their content, but so often lose in their delivery.

    I would love to connect with you and learn more about your mission and ways we might collaborate.

    Best regards,

    Margy Schaller

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