Back to Designing Great Presentations!

And we’re back!

So, in hindsight, by “brief” hiatus, I meant about 4 months, but who’s counting?

A lot of exciting things have been happening.

First, Dr. Stacey Poznanski, Dr. Nathan Allen, and I presented this workshop at the 2014 ACGME meeting in National Harbor, MD. We had a great time and thank the programming committee for choosing our workshop. We actually had double duty with two sessions of the workshop. Thanks to both Nathan and Stacey for making the trip with me!

At the ACGME meeting, we held a slide redesign competition similar to the one Michelle Lin and Stacey did at the International Educators meeting. Click here to see the slides and results of the competition.

Second, I had the opportunity to present this workshop at the Southern Group on Educational Affairs (SGEA) meeting in beautiful Miami, FL, as well as at grand rounds for the UT Southwester – Austin Emergency Medicine program. Again, I would like to thank everyone that made this possible including the SGEA planning committee, and specifically Janna Welch and Todd Berger.

Third, we have been working very hard behind the scenes to continue to bring great content to the blog. Unfortunately, our plans to have a nice, redesigned blog did not come to fruition yet, but we are happy to announce that we have a new web address:

Much easier to say and remember than the prior web address. 🙂

Finally, I am very excited to again be working with Stacey Poznanski, along with Robert Tubbs and the legendary Michelle Lin to deliver a presentation design workshop at CORD this year! You can click here for more info, and visit the ALiEM site for info as well.

Thanks to everyone for the continued support and a special thanks to my co-conspirator, Stacey. Glad to be blogging again.

CORD 2014 Presentation Design Bootcamp

And one more announcement!

As I mentioned, Dr. Poznanski, Dr. Tubbs, Dr. Lin and I will be teaming up to deliver presentation design MANIA to CORD 2014.

Mark your itinararies for 1:30-2:20p on April 2nd. 

Since it is a short session, we want to offer participants the opportunity to prepare themselves by reviewing the slide set ahead of time (see below). Also, as a reminder, bring your laptops and a presentation you want to work on or improve.

Hope to see you all then.

ACGME 2014 Slide Redesign Competition Results

Hello everyone,

As I mentioned in the prior post, Stacey Poznanski, Nathan Allen, and I gave a workshop at the 2014 ACGME national meeting in National Harbor, MD. We offered the participants a chance to submit 3 of their old “before” slides and then 3 “after” slides for a chance to win either Nancy Duarte’s Slide:ology or Garr Reynold’s Presentation Zen.

We only had 3 submissions, but there were all great!

Participant #1


Participant #2


Participant #3


This was a hard decision, but the final winner is participant #3, Dr. Chasnovitz. Congratulations!