CORD 2014 Presentation Redesign Competition Results

Hello everyone,

I would like to thank Stacey Poznanski, Michelle Lin, and Robert Tubbs for a great workshop at CORD this year!

Judging this time around was very difficult because some of the presentations incorporated advanced elements such as video or hyperlinks. This is not fully captured in the slideshare presentation, but I made note of them where appropriate.

Participant #1

Note: This participant experimented with hyperlinks to add interactivity to the presentation. It also helped to reduce the linearity of the presentation.


Participant #2


Participant #3

Note: This participant embedded a video rather than linking to it as in the “before” slides.


And the winner is….. participant #2, Dr. Rahul Patwari! Congratulations! He will be receiving either Nancy Duarte’s Slide:ology or Garr Reynold’s Presentation Zen.

Back to Designing Great Presentations!

And we’re back!

So, in hindsight, by “brief” hiatus, I meant about 4 months, but who’s counting?

A lot of exciting things have been happening.

First, Dr. Stacey Poznanski, Dr. Nathan Allen, and I presented this workshop at the 2014 ACGME meeting in National Harbor, MD. We had a great time and thank the programming committee for choosing our workshop. We actually had double duty with two sessions of the workshop. Thanks to both Nathan and Stacey for making the trip with me!

At the ACGME meeting, we held a slide redesign competition similar to the one Michelle Lin and Stacey did at the International Educators meeting. Click here to see the slides and results of the competition.

Second, I had the opportunity to present this workshop at the Southern Group on Educational Affairs (SGEA) meeting in beautiful Miami, FL, as well as at grand rounds for the UT Southwester – Austin Emergency Medicine program. Again, I would like to thank everyone that made this possible including the SGEA planning committee, and specifically Janna Welch and Todd Berger.

Third, we have been working very hard behind the scenes to continue to bring great content to the blog. Unfortunately, our plans to have a nice, redesigned blog did not come to fruition yet, but we are happy to announce that we have a new web address:

Much easier to say and remember than the prior web address. 🙂

Finally, I am very excited to again be working with Stacey Poznanski, along with Robert Tubbs and the legendary Michelle Lin to deliver a presentation design workshop at CORD this year! You can click here for more info, and visit the ALiEM site for info as well.

Thanks to everyone for the continued support and a special thanks to my co-conspirator, Stacey. Glad to be blogging again.

CORD 2014 Presentation Design Bootcamp

And one more announcement!

As I mentioned, Dr. Poznanski, Dr. Tubbs, Dr. Lin and I will be teaming up to deliver presentation design MANIA to CORD 2014.

Mark your itinararies for 1:30-2:20p on April 2nd. 

Since it is a short session, we want to offer participants the opportunity to prepare themselves by reviewing the slide set ahead of time (see below). Also, as a reminder, bring your laptops and a presentation you want to work on or improve.

Hope to see you all then.

ACGME 2014 Slide Redesign Competition Results

Hello everyone,

As I mentioned in the prior post, Stacey Poznanski, Nathan Allen, and I gave a workshop at the 2014 ACGME national meeting in National Harbor, MD. We offered the participants a chance to submit 3 of their old “before” slides and then 3 “after” slides for a chance to win either Nancy Duarte’s Slide:ology or Garr Reynold’s Presentation Zen.

We only had 3 submissions, but there were all great!

Participant #1


Participant #2


Participant #3


This was a hard decision, but the final winner is participant #3, Dr. Chasnovitz. Congratulations!

A Brief Hiatus…


Hello everyone,

I am writing to let everyone know that the blog will be on a brief break.

The good news is that I have been distracted preparing for the birth of my first child! Of note, if you were wondering which takes priority, building out the nursery or researching for a blog post, my wife says it’s the nursery.

Even better news is that there is a lot going on behind the scenes, including:

  • Dr. Stacey Poznanski officially joining the team!
  • New blog design with the help of Dr. Mike Cadogan
  • New sections to the blog
  • Guest bloggers

Looking forward to restarting the regular posts. We will be back soon!


Unfortunately, I missed the International EM Teaching course held in Baltimore, Maryland this past week. I hear that Michelle Lin and Stacey Poznanski held an amazing workshop on Resuscitating Powerpoint Slides.

They held a competition for the most improved slides based on some of Mayer’s principles of multimedia learning. You can see the “before and after” slides at:

Fortunately, I will get a chance to work with them and Dr. Robert Tubbs to do a Presentation Design Bootcamp at the 2014 CORD meeting in New Orleans.

Still jealous though…

Great TED talk – Salman Khan

I have had a lot of conversations about flipped classrooms and using technology in learning recently. This reminded me of one of my favorite TED talks.


“… teachers [can] use technology to humanize the classroom.”

“the traditional model penalizes you for experimentation and failure, but it does not expect mastery. We encourage you to experiment, we encourage you to failure, but we do expect mastery.”

Brain Rules – Part 2


“If you wanted to create an education environment that was directly opposed to what the brain was good at doing, you probably would design something like a classroom.”

Last week, I posted a great slideshare presentation by Garr Reynolds about some of the highlights from the book, Brain Rules by John Medina. This week, a little bit more on this must-have book for educators.

John Medina is a developmental molecular biologist and director of the Brain Center for Applied Learning Research at Seattle Pacific University. Based on his work, he has developed 12 “Brain Rules:”

  1. Exercise – boosts brain power
  2. Survival – the human brain evolved too
  3. Wiring – every brain is wired differently
  4. Attention – we don’t pay attention to boring things
  5. Short-term Memory – repeat to remember
  6. Long-term Memory – remember to repeat
  7. Sleep – sleep well, think well
  8. Stress – stressed brains don’t learn the same way
  9. Sensory Integration – stimulate more of the senses
  10. Vision – trumps all other senses
  11. Gender – male and female brains are different
  12. Exploration – we are powerful and natural explorers

These are all immediately applicable, but a few stand out among the crowd.



“The more attention the brain pays to a given stimulus, the more elaborately the information will be encoded – and retained.” 

This again emphasizes the importance of creating a connection with our audience and fighting for their attention. As it stands now, if keeping someone’s interest in a lecture were a business, John thinks there would be an 80% failure rate (and that is being generous in my opinion). His ideas for increasing attention including using an emotional anchor, breaking up lectures into 10-minute segments, and using hooks that are relevant and bridge the segments. 

Short-term Memory

Screen Shot 2013-10-03 at 4.48.48 PM          (Click the image to view a short video excerpt)

“The more elaborately we encode information at the moment of learning, the stronger the memory.”

“Memory is enhanced by creating associations between concepts.”

Although we don’t understand everything about memory, we do know some key factors that help us enhance memory and educate others. One of John’s ideas to enhance memory are to use real-world examples to encode the information better when being learned. This emphasizes the point that less is more. Fewer points, but more depth and meaning in those points. This overlaps both the ideas of streamline the message and organize and anchor that I use in my design process.

Long-term Memory

Screen Shot 2013-10-03 at 4.52.49 PM      (Click the image to view a short video excerpt)

“…thinking or talking about an event immediately after it has occurred enhances memory for that event, even when accounting for differences in type of memory.”

“Deliberately re-expose yourself to the information more elaborately, and in fixed, spaced intervals, if you want the retrieval to be the most vivid it can be.”

Quite simply, repetition is the key to promote knowledge transfer into long-term memory.

Sensory Integration

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“Learning is less effective in a unisensory environment.”

Medical education is ripe with opportunities to add multisensory stimulation and promote knowledge transfer. For a recent lecture on valvular disorders, I walked around with my portable speaker and played the murmurs for everyone as they answered questions in groups. Working on getting an entire case presentation to have no words, just visual and audio input, closer to the real thing.



“The more visual the input becomes, the more likely it is to be recognized – and recalled.”

The brain sees words as lots of tiny pictures. It’s almost an overload of input, of sorts. On the other hand, there is a pictorial superiority effect (PSE) that let’s us remember details of pictures much more effectively, with little exposure, for a very long time. John’s idea to integrate this rule is to 1. Toss your old powerpoints, 2. Make new ones! Another way to promote knowledge transfer. 

Brain Rules is another must-read that has helped to shape my approach to presentation design, and even curriculum design as well.


Medina J. Brain Rules. 2008. Pear Press.

Brain Rules – Part 1

This week was a little busy, but while I was searching through a few internet sites, I rediscovered this jewel at It is a presentation by Garr Reynolds (author of Presentation Zen) that focuses on 3 of the 12 Brain Rules by John Medina.

“If you are in education, you are in the business of brain development.”          -John Medina

Hopefully, I will get to post a full review of Brain Rules next week. Until then, enjoy this presentation!